Doors open at 8.40 am where Staff are ready to welcome our children for the day ahead providing extra support at this time until the bell goes at 8:50 am for the start of the school day
Staggered collection times.
Our School Day
The school day: 8.50 am until 3.20 pm
Front hall doors are open from 8.40am for Reception class up to Oak Class.
Nursery children should enter by the Nursery classroom door from .
Lunchtime: 12 noon until 1 pm

Nursery Times
Morning Nursery Session: 8.45 am until 11.45 am
Afternoon Nursery Sessions: 12.15pm until 3.15pm
All year groups finish their school day at the same time, 3.20 pm.
All children from Reception Class to Oak Class are dismissed onto the main school playground and nursery children from the front gate.
Should parents require childcare outside normal school hours, please contact us on 01642 787945.