Thank you for your interest in our school. Should you wish your child to attend Egglescliffe CE Primary School, please contact us on 01642 787945 to arrange an appointment to come and view the school and meet our staff.
The Academy Council of Egglescliffe CE Primary is the Admission Authority for the school.
We intend to admit up to 30 pupils to the Reception year group each academic year. This arrangement follows consultation between Egglescliffe School Academy Council, the Local Authority, all other schools in the area and all Admission Authorities in the area.
For full details of the admissions process or to discuss your personal circumstances please contact:
School Admissions Team
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Municipal Buildings
TS18 1XE
Tel: 01642 526605
Email: or visit their website by using the link School Admissions Website
All school admissions (Reception to Y6) are processed by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s School Admissions Department and places are allocated according to a strict set of admissions criteria.

In-Year Admissions
An in year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school not during the formal transition times (e.g. going into Reception for the first time, moving from a primary school to a secondary school). This is usually because the child is moving to a different address or is new to the country but it can be for other reasons as well. These moves usually take place during the academic year which is why they are referred to as ‘in-year’ admissions.
Admissions Appeals
There are several options that you can take if you have been refused a place at Egglescliffe CE Primary.
For more information and the timetable for this process, please visit Stockton Council website
To find out more about or Nursery or to book a visit, please contact our team on: 01642 787945. We offer a fully flexible provision to meet the needs of you and your child.
You may also want to take a look at Egglescliffe Primary School Admissions Policy
We also have a helpful FAQ for you to review about the Admission Consultation Process
You can also download an Admissions booklet which you will find useful Admissions Booklet