PSHE plus Citizenship Curriculum Intent
PSHE/RSE Recommended Reads
Statement of Intent
Egglescliffe C.E. Primary School believes that a strong PSHE education is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE curriculum is strongly tied to our RSE, relationships, health education and pastoral care programme.
The vision for pupils, staff and others linked to our school is to always look to achieve our personal best in every aspect of school life.
- Our school is one where everyone is encouraged and supported to achieve their personal best.
- Our school is welcoming, inclusive, has a real community feel and is a place where everyone is valued.
- Our pupils and staff treat each other equitably, fairly, with kindness and with mutual respect. At all times, staff and pupils are encouraged to show a high regard for the needs and feelings of others through their actions and words.
- Our pupils and staff are enterprising and approach challenges with a ‘can-do’ attitude.
- The needs and interests of all pupils, irrespective of gender, culture, ability or aptitude, will be promoted through an inclusive and varied PSHE curriculum at our school.
- Our environment is safe and clean with everyone sharing responsibility for it.
- Our culture is one of continuous improvement, creativity and enthusiasm.
- Parents will be informed about the policy via the school’s website where it, and the PSHE curriculum, will be available to read and download.
The PSHE curriculum at Egglescliffe CE Primary School provides values-based, progressive content that promotes respectful behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. Research shows that there is a link between a pupil’s wellbeing, positive mental health and academic achievement. Therefore, in order for our children to learn and be well, they need to have good mental health, resilience and the ability to keep themselves safe. Through our PSHE curriculum, we aim to equip children with these attributes and the skills to implement them in different contexts. This also fulfils our mission statement:
Egglescliffe CE Primary School enables everyone to be:
- Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and achieve to the best of their ability.
- Confident individuals who feel safe, are happy, healthy, enjoy a challenge and are resilient when facing challenges.
- Responsible citizens who care for one another and their environment and make positive contributions to the community.
- To be the change you want to see.

Our PSHE curriculum is taught in conjunction with the PSHE association supplemented with the SEAL resources.
DfE PSHE Training modules