We encourage all children to wear school uniform. We believe this encourages equality, nobody looks any different than their peers.
We do not have an approved supplier. Our uniform core colour is Navy and the logo is optional.
Sweatshirts can be purchased reasonably priced from supermarket outlets, at the beginning of the school year.
If you wish to purchase uniform with our school logo embroidered on is available from…
Phone 01642 601501
E-mail https://www.motif8.co.uk/schools/primary-schools/egglescliffe-primary.html
Website www.motif8.co.uk
Address Motif8 Embroidery & Print Ltd, Stephenson Street, Stockton. TS17 6AL
The school uniform incorporates colours: pale blue, navy, black, grey and white.
* Tailored trousers or shorts Charcoal grey/black
* Dresses Pale Blue/White Gingham
* Skirts/Pinafores/Trousers Grey
* Socks or tights Black or grey
* Polo Shirts Pale blue with or without our embroidered school badge
* Sweatshirts/Cardigans Navy with or without our embroidered school badge
Please ensure that your child brings a waterproof coat to school every day and that this is clearly named.
School book bags are available from our uniform stockists.
All pupils are able to wear their school PE kit on the specified days they have class P.E.
P.E Kit
- White polo shirt or tee shirt
- Black or navy hoody/sweatshirt
- Black or navy shorts / leggings/joggers.
- Appropriate Trainers
Children must access ALL physical activities and will only be excused a games lesson if a letter is sent to school with a medical explanation.
Shoes should be plain black, (with no markings or colours on them). For Health and Safety, footwear should be flat lace-up/Velcro, bar shoes. Heavy boots (unless for medical reasons) and high-heeled or pointed shoes are not allowed.
We are not allowed to wear jewellery, in our school. We have a no earing policy in school. A suitable watch (without camera) is permitted.
Children must be able to remove and re-apply their own ear-rings before any P.E. or Games lesson.
All children with long hair will be expected to have it tied back in a ponytail, use a headband or have their hair in plaits for P.E. lessons.
Children in KS1 must have their hair as above to help prevent the spread of Head Lice.
In KS2, children may wear their hair down, but it must be held back from covering their face.
For example—with a head band or with clips.
All children to be able to dress, undress and manage their shoes and their fastenings independently.
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.